Friday, February 22, 2013

Feb 22 - Kayaking with Chuck

Tuesday, February 22, 1972 - Page 53
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

9:49 PM
I got to sleep last night at 2:00, awoke at 7:30. Worked on Moira-Quest and I now have 12 typewritten pages. I did the dishes, few that there were. Got a letter today from Sue Latka, and I spent (or rather wasted) an hour and a half typing a witty retort. I'll mail it tomorrow I guess. Chunk came over, and at 6:00, he and me valiantly went out paddling. I tipped over not once, but thrice (count 'em: 3) and finally gave up and came back by 6:15. Took a bath and ate dinner. Chunk got back at seven. He's going to be paddling every day, so I'll pro'ly be getting pretty wet.

Sue Latka of Chicago, where I go for a visit later in 1972
"The Search for the Nile" was on again. It's just got one week left, I think. Dad read my unfinished manuscript -- I've got just about two or three more pages left to go. I guess I'll have it finished by tomorrow -- I'll have it rewritten in another week, and send it out for a nice little rejection slip. Then I can start another great opus. Right now it's 10:00 and 25 seconds (P.M.) -- It took me eleven lousy minutes to write this piffle. I'll never make it as a writer -- I'm too darned slooooooow.
Chuck on the Kern River, 1974

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