Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 04 - "This entry is from the Future..."

Friday, February 4, 1972 - Page 35
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

(1:06 AM 2/5/72)
Repeat performance of yesterday. ---------

Friday, Apr. 14, 5:32 P.M. -- This entry is from the Future, page 106.

Continued: --- I followed the wrong river, hoping it would lead to the wider, freer flowing stream (that "wider, freer flowing stream," I think, was the "2,000 meter rowing course" mentioned on the map on page 100. The course has long been out of use). The current, by this time, had changed, and water moving in the opposite direction, moving with, instead of against me. So I didn't have to push the kayak -- it just "swam" beside me like I was walking a pet dolphin. The river bottom got muckier and more polluted -- flies were getting common, and tall thick grass lay on the banks in occasional patches. Here the water was warmer than the air, which was about 65°. Finally, the river joined the rowing course through a narrow grass covered channel. I carried the boat over it, and began wading through the course, the bottom of which was clean, soft sand. Sometimes I sank knee deep in the silt. This went on for at least another half mile, and I began wondering if Alligators live in salt water. The banks began taking on the appearance of swamplands, tall grass and bushes covered the

[Hold up here a minute. This mostly empty page has been filled
with the continuation of an entry from the future.
I can barely remember what happened during that incident.
 In the interests of maintaining chronological integrity, we will have to wait 
until the correct day in April (here), and this entry will be added there.
We can't know the future until it happens...]

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