Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug 01 - Being an artist

Tuesday, August 1, 1972 - Page 214

7:00 PM
Didn't do much today, but draw. I did the lettering for "Phredee" and figured out more of the dimensions for the poster. Got a photo of Ken with his guitar. Ken & I went out to get the clothes from the cleaners, and put in my film (and Ken bought some Polaroid film & flash bulbs) -- also got poster board for the poster, and gum. It rained some today, but it stayed warm -- in the 80°s. I am now drawing Sooz's picture from one of the proofs. Met Vicki, Sue's girl friend, today.
Photo: NBC television series of the 1971-1972 season, Nichols
Title screenshot of TV show
"James Garner as Nichols"
Everybody saw my drawing of Sue, and everyone was impressed. I went down to watch "Nichols." Mark & Larry came over and Ken & Sue & them stayed upstairs. So I moved my operations downstairs.
Photo of Mark, Sue and Larry
Marcus, Sue, Larry
[Side note pointing to photo] This is what they were doing upstairs -- just foolin' around. Ken caught them with the Polaroid. It shows Marcus Wunluck, Soozwol Latka and Larry.

TOMORROW: Tic tac toe

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