Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Aug 21 - Holoexinoninframetasuperquasiomnidehyperirreantipreundounscrabble

Monday, August 21, 1972 - Page 234
LOCATION: Bethlehem, South Dakota

(11:30 AM 8/22/1972)
Bruce woke us up as usual (Us is the three people who share his room: Me, Dennis (who sleeps beneath me) and Ed (who sleeps beneath Bruce) -- and we all sleep as much as possible -- in fact, as I write this, it is 11:20 A.M., and Dennis & Ed are sound asleep -- I woke up at 11:00) -- Bruce always wakes up at 8:00, then he wakes us at about 9:00, then we go back to sleep. Monday he woke us up and left -- we eventually got up, and I found nobody was around. I gave up looking and came back to Abbott's Cabin to read.

It had rained heavily in the morning, and it rained sporadically all thru the day, just enough to prevent us from working. But a bit of work was done -- I got some more of the discarded cement in the van to be taken to the dump -- Bruce & Joe built some more forms for the area that will be cemented between the retreat house & Post Office.

There were lots of tourists. Tom & Bruce got a lot of Alabaster from Spearfish (Geri's uncle carved alabaster), so Bruce & I started some carving. He's making a cross, I was making two links, but they broke just before I finished. Fr. Gil notified me I should remove myself from the premises due to my lack of religious commitment, which is good cause I wanted to get back to California as soon as possible anyway.

I called mom to tell her I'd be leaving this week. Played chess with someone who I beat. Played scrabble with Fr. Henry & Dennis and beat them [Father Henry's score sheet below]. Bruce & I tried to construct a fairly large word from the tiles -- we came up with:


We haven't determined its meaning yet.
Scrabble scores
TOMORROW: Publicity campaign for McKeever VIPs

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