Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Aug 07 - Brandy, You're A Fine Girl

Monday, August 7, 1972 - Page 220

9:00 PM
Goddup at 11:00. Ken worked from 1:30 to 8:00. I finished painting his helmet, and Peg got me started on her portrait. I didn't get too far on it. For about 3 or 4 hours, Mr, Mrs, me, Peg & Sue watched Ken's movies (showing them again for Peg) and then I saw their slides of Europe, and everything else they had to show. Some of them were pretty funny. Ken is now at practice at Larry's house. I'll continue Peg's picture tomorrow -- I got all the words to "Brandy" finished and put in my poem book. That's all for now. ---

VH1 video: "Brandy" by Looking Glass, 1972
(11:00 AM 8/8/1972)
It is now the 8th, 11:00 A.M. Last night Sue had an argument with her dad, so she came up here. She told me the deep dark secret of the Latka family -- Ted Latka isn't Sue's real father, and her real brother lives four blocks away (Richie is his name) -- how about that. Only Sue, Ted, Stephanie, Peg, Ken, & Sue know that (and now me). But Ted and Peg don't know that Sue knows. So I'd better keep my mouth shut.

I called bus stations and airlines, and I'll be going back to S.D. [South Dakota] on a bus for $36.00 (Greyhound). Mom called at around 10 or 11:00 and said she'll be sending forty dollars. That's all for today. --

TOMORROW: Influenza begins to hit most of us

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