Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Aug 14 - Tornado Warning

Monday, August 14, 1972 - Page 227
LOCATION: Chicago & Downers Grove, Illinois

(1:30 PM 8/15/1972)
All this week, Ken's working from 1 to 8. He and I went out before 1 to cash my check (and bought a Mad magazine). It was a cashier's check for $40.00 from Centinella Bank -- but I couldn't have cashed it if Ken didn't endorse it. They're very cautious here -- they suggested I go to the money exchange, but I already knew they wouldn't do it.

Then at about 12:30 Mrs. & Peggy & Me drove to a suburb (Downer's Grove, Ill.) to the Robert Kelly Studio to give back the proofs and tell Bob what they wanted. The day was hot in the nineties. We spent an hour or so in his studio, deciding what they wanted. We left at around four, and the clear sky had filled with boiling black clouds, the temperature had dropped ten degrees, and there was a strong wind blowing everything around. A stray bushel basket got caught in the right front tire, and I had to dislodge it. Rain soon accompanied the wind, and at 3:45 they put out a tornado warning for several counties, including Cook (that's Chicago's). Monday was an interesting day -- the tornado warning expired at 4:30, but a tornado watch continued till 9:00.

Saw the 3rd part of War & Peace -- the one in which the battles occurred -- Tuesday is the burning of Moscow. I continued work on Mark. Sometime in the past few days I finished the Best S.F. of the Year anthology.
That about wraps it all up. It is now 1:42 P.M., Tuesday, Aug 15. I'll be leaving tomorrow. I'll have been here nearly a month. Rah!

Marcus & Larry came over -- strike that -- only Marcus came over. That's enough.

TOMORROW: Four-part Soviet series, War & Peace

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