Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28 - Holiday weekend

Sunday, May 28, 1972 - Page 149
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

11:50:50 PM

Goddup at about 1:30 P.M., sleeping through a visitation by Jordan who was in a fairly serious auto accident on the 24th, so mom tells me. That'll teach him to drive. It was hot today -- a record braking 96 mark of the merc today for LA. And, it being a holiday, there was the usual gathering of tourists wandering about our quaint little village.

Mom was determined to clean the place up, so I removed and replaced the flourescent lights in the living room; removed, cleaned, broke, and replaced the long narrow strips of fogged glass concealing those lights; I cleaned what remained of the ceiling; and I decapitated the legs off of the old table that used to be in the living room (yes, I know I used 'decapitated' wrong). During all of which Mom & I played five games of chess, three of which I won.

Larry phoned looking for dad, though his whereabouts by me were unknown. I'm now on 48 in "Thother," and on 109 in "Mansrisetocivilizationasshownbytheindiansofnorthamericafromprimevaltimestothecomingoftheindustrialstate." Moving right along, ...... Mom just baked a cake, and today, we et corn on the cob and broiled steaks. And watermelon. I'm still hungry however. So what. (No, I'm not going to put a question mark after that.) Tis now 12:04:45 A.M. --- DNE EHT ---

[TIME-OUT: In the past-entry for April 24, a note dated for today, "Sunday morn, May 28, 1972 -- 12:46:55 A.M." (more sensibly described as "Saturday nite, May 27") mentioned a color pencil drawing that is currently attached to the entry for May 26, page 147. Are you confused? So am I. Sometimes TIME can give me a big headache.] 

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