Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 07 - A family-fun day at Bayshore beach

Sunday, May 7, 1972 - Page 128
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

[This day is referenced in the April 30 entry, "The Past Challenges the Future"]
7:30 PM
I goddup today at about 12:30 when Mike & Laramée came over. They went to the beach to throw the frisbee. The day was sunny but fairly cool and the tide was low. They came back and M&L and me went along Back Bay Dr., and then to Bob's Big Boy to take advantage of the free hamburger coupon, then came back home and gave mom the free hamburger. She was working on the house again, and she finished the dishes.

Mike & I went to the beach to throw the frisbee, but it wasn't long before he threw it waaay out, so I had to swim for it. I stayed on the raft and we threw it back and forth alot. Then we went back to the trailer so he could get swimming trunks on, which he had in the trunk, then he, me, and Laramée went out to the beach again. He swam out to the raft and lost his sunglasses -- I swam out to look for his sunglasses and lost my Schwinn cap. We never recovered either of them. So we threw the frisbee around, and a crowd of bothersome kids collected. They brought a couple of plastic dishes out and tried throwing them. The hard, sharp dishes were a hazard so Mike tossed one out to sea -- and it sank. And the mother of the dishes was our next door neighbor, and she complained about it.

Any way, we eventually abandoned that activity, and started playing badmitten, since he had racket and a birdie in his trunk. We did fairly well at that, hitting fifty shots in a row (such excitement). He got tired and L&M left at 5:30. I went shopping for salt, ketchup, mayonnaise, milk & meat and got an Analog and Star Trek 6. Now, Barbara is here for sympathy [Barbara was Larry's wife -- they split up].

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