Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18 - Contemplating slooowness of my writing

Thursday, May 18, 1972 - Page 139
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

(1:23:45 AM 5/19/1972)
Well, let's see, what happened today. You must forgive me, I am totally unprepared. I was flipping through Vol. 1 of "Masterplots, Digests of World Literature" (a fifteen volume set of which we have two volumes) and I looked up to see the time was 1:23:20, so I had to rush to catch the one, two, three, four, five sequence (incidentally it is now 1:26:40 A.M.).

Tacosumi has been [bleep]ing around (clinically speaking), and as a matter of fact her pursuits in that area awoke me from my slumber -- I had to open my window to allow her a hasty, if temporary, retreat. So that's how my day started. I finished reading "Childhood's Rear" which was 218 pages in length. I washed the dishes a few hours ago whilst watching the Dick Cavett show (it's 1:30:59 already -- boy I write slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly. Very slooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly. So slooooooo -- etc -- ly, in fact, that it is already, at this moment in time, 1:35:05.

One might have thought that while I was fooling with the slowlies up there, I would have been thinking about what else I did today, and something clever to write about it. But no. I was just thinking about making my pen go oooooooooooooooooooo. Such are the mechanations of a brilliant mind (a mind that also makes gros spelling erorrs).

It is now 1:37:15. I know I must've done something else today, but I can't imagine what it might be. It is presently overcast, and I therefore did not have to go outside. That's all I'm going to bother to say now. 1:38:38 (It took me 15! minutes to fill this page. That's disgrace- (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)

Now is 1:40:09 A.M. -- END!

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