Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dec 04 - Dreaming of Jeannie

Monday, December 4, 1972 - Page 339
LOCATION: Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Anaheim
(4:30 PM 12/9/1972)
Woke up at 9:30 & got the 10:00 bus. Rained hard from morning to about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, then it stopped, getting very windy, and the wind cleared away the clouds. I worked on the rooms (229, 230) and started to paint them. Got off work at 3:45, got the RTD at 4:15, and was home at 6:15. I bought a 10 ride pass that morning. Got off the OCTD to go to Sav-on to buy 2 batteries for the transistor radio I keep at the motel, a Mad magazine, and Star Trek #8, the new book I'll read after I finish the book on dinosaurs.
Watched T.V. -- Mom was gone to play bridge. I watched "I Dream of Genie," "Stand Up & Cheer," "Laugh-In," a special on the next 30 years of space flight inspired by the Apollo XVII flight on the 6th, a half hour of a Peter Fonda movie "The Hired Hand," and "The New Bill Cosby Show." Chunk called -- said he thinks he found the pro'lem [with my motorcycle] but needs a $12.00 tool to fix it. Mike has one (it's to unscrew bolts) but his brother had borrowed it and din't have it. So Chunk's going to buy one cause he needed it anyway.
Barbara Eden of "I Dream of Jeannie" -- this rare photo features a clear view of her actual belly button which was strictly forbidden by censors on her NBC TV show. The original sitcom aired from September 1965 to May 1970, so in 1972 I must have watched a syndicated rerun. (wiki info)
TOMORROW: Big Computer Convention in Anaheim

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