Monday, December 9, 2013

Dec 09 - Decided I am a psychological mess

Saturday, December 9, 1972 - Page 344
LOCATION: Newport Beach

6:30 PM
I finally caught up. The last week or so has not been a feat of memory -- I din't feel like writing in this book so I just jotted down a bunch of notes for the days. I was still damned depressed, deciding I was a psychological mess, not as well adjusted as some people I know (i.e. Tim Hourigan, or Larry Brockway), nor as screwed up as others (i.e. Matt Gold, or Greg Langevin).

I got a letter from Greg the other day -- he's got a new partner for his criminal deeds -- his previous partner was shot to death in Louisville. He's an extremely right wing radical now but still a good guy, in a Mike McEvers psychopathic sort of way (more neurotic than psycho actually). I got up at noon today. Mike & Laramée dropped by at about 5:00 to chat and take some X-mas decorations from their stored boxes in the cabaña. Can't say much more for today -- got a form letter from the Shrine of the Nativity -- old Gill has some new tours whipped up.
One of them I may take advantage of. The letter's attached and you can pro'ly guess which tour I'll be on. It'll be a good way to get to Europe methinks. Okay -- more remains to be written about various thinks but I won't bother. I'll just sign off. --

TOMORROW: Just another boring day...

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