Friday, December 6, 2013

Dec 06 - Night launch of Apollo 17**

Wednesday, December 6, 1972 - Page 341
LOCATION: Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Anaheim
(5:00 PM 12/9/1972)
Got the 8:00 A.M. bus, got to work by 9:45. Spent most of the day painting, finishing 230, commencing 231. Ate at Hamburger House. I started reading Star Trek 8 (on page 32). The Computer convention's still going on. I got the 6:30 OCTD with Dave the bus driver. Also featured were a bright young senior of Harbor High who had gone to the computer convention (computers & self hypnosis were his hobby), and a nice girl who worked at a cafeteria near or in South Coast Plaza -- she gave Dave a cup of coffee and he paid her fare. He's a helluva nice guy.
Mom picked me up at 7:25. Got home & watched the delayed Apollo 17 launch at 9:30 P.M. It was supposed to go at 7:53 (Pacific time) but a computer got pissed off and din't let them go. I took a bath before the launch. Being a night launch it was very beauteous. At 10:00 there was a special on Cortez' conquest of the Aztecs. Was very well done. It began raining late that night. I finally got to sleep around 2:30 A.M.

For an excellent half-hour special about Apollo's final mission to the moon, see NASA's "On the Shoulders of Giants" in the upcoming post for December 13

TOMORROW: The Blue Marble

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