Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dec 14 - My new work ethic: Creative procrastination

Thursday, December 14, 1972 - Page 349
LOCATION: Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Anaheim
"Here man completed his first explorations of the moon"
9:00 PM
I got the 7:00 A.M. bus by the narrowest possible margin, waking up at 6:50, giving me barely enough time to get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, stuff my pockets, and get to the bus stop. I bought a new 10-ride ticket at the terminal -- mom cashed my check yesterday. Got to work at 8:45, and today I really procrastinated. Currently I'm on page 121 in [Catch] "22" and the book must be corrupting me -- for an hour or two I read -- the rest of the day I put things off. All I did was stain the doors and clean the walls of 110, 11, & 12. It consumed my 8 and a half hours somehow.

Angela was there today, as usual between 3:30 & 5:30. She's sixteen and has to go to high school. She tried to open 101, and couldn't. Mike & I finally managed to unlock it & I spent 10 or 15 minutes fixing the door. Quit work at 5:15, got the 5:30 RTD, and the 6:00 OCTD. Dave drives the 6:30 line to Balboa -- the one I prefer to ride is the Laguna Beach line (stops right at the corner), and the new guy, I know his name not, and I conversed. He's 26 -- we talked about truck & bus driving, automobiles, anthropology, the condition of the world, and psychic phenomena (he's psychic -- has premonitions), among other things.

Got home at 7:00. Ants attacked a cake in the cabinet & mom declared war on them again. I got a new volume in "The Emergence of Man: The Missing Link." It's good. I heard that Chunk was going skydiving on Jan 6 & 7 so I invited myself along. I've wondered if I'd have the guts to jump out of a plane, so I'm going to find out [To read about the time in 1973 when Chuck & I made three jumps, go here: Skydiving].

The guys lifted off from the moon today afternoon, and are now orbiting Luna, having docked. Tha's enough for today. Chunk & Joe came by minutes ago and they are paddling now. It's 9:30 now.

TOMORROW: Bus driver Dave

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