Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sep 24 - Fossil collection

Sunday, September 24, 1972 - Page 268
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

(8:00 AM 9/25/1972)
I worked Sunday entirely on taking apropos notes from "Dinosaurs," the Encyclopedia Britannica, "The Fossil Book," and various Time/Life books. From "The Fossil Book" and the Golden Nature Guide about Fossils, I was able to identify a few of my fossils a few days ago -- I have thirteen ammonoid cephalopods of various sizes, varieties, and states of preservation (some varieties I have I think are: Acanthoscaphites, Scaphites, Gryphaea, and possibly a couple coiled nautiloids, most of which are from the Cretaceous); I've also got three baculite fragments and one Baculite septum (all probably Upper Cretaceous); one tiny scaphopod; three or four portions of crinoid stalks, plus six crinoid stem discs; one portion of Tabulate coral of the Jurassic; eight Miocene shark's teeth; two unidentifiable teeth, two jaw fragments with teeth; one crystal, one gastropod shell cast; nineteen agates (polished except for one), one unusual rock formation, and twelve stone tools and arrowheads, paleolithic type. That's my complete collection.

Sunday I wrote 11 more pages of notes -- everyday I hit upon new ideas for the story. The thing will probably be a novelette (great, I could use the money), and it'll take a month or two to write. Maybe it'll be finished by the end of November.

Watched a lot of T.V. Sunday ("MASH" & "The Sandy Duncan Show" -- not so much after all). Murdered a lot of ants who were infesting our sink that has dishes piled high -- I'll have to get to those some time. I sprayed them and they died in seconds, writhing pitifully. All Sunday was overcast except in the evening. I went to sleep at about 10:00. Mike Sarason dropped by on his motorcycle around 4:00 just to visit. That about takes care of Sunday.

TOMORROW: Tanning, TV, reading & steg stats

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