Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jan 26 - Matt will continue high school*

Wednesday, January 26, 1972
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

10:30 PM
Took a bath after getting up at 8:00 AM. Got the mail, which included several magazines and five volumes of Great Ages of Man [this was a Time Life Books series that Mom subscribed to for me]. Then I walked to school at noon, where everybody was leaving for home as if school was over -- which it was: finals start today evidently.

I wandered around looking lost and soon found Matt Gold up in Dodge, along with a couple of girls with whom we walked away from school. They departed from us when we got to his apartment (Oakwood Apartments, S-102). There I learned he's got a new Laura Nyro album, I got my electric toothbrush (gave him the defective one), met Jack who came in shortly after we arrived, and I found out Matt will be going back to Harbor next week, which is the beginning of the new semester.
DRAMA CLUB with Matt Gold
at bottom center (with cheek next to butt)

The Galleon 1972
I left shortly, walked back to my locker to deposit the stuff of mine I got from Matt, and went to Karen & Dana's apartment, where I met Dana outside. She & me went to her apartment so I could have a tuna sandwich, and Whatshisface was there. Soonly two other guys came in, followed later by Karen. The five of them were going tree climbing in Irvine Park --  I declined the invitation, ate & ran to Sea Schwinn (on the way I met Laurie Weller who was in a car with 3 guys) which was practically closed. I returned home & continued organization procedures. Rained about 8:00.

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