Monday, January 14, 2013

Jan 14 - Frozen faucets, toilets, pipes, stereo

Friday, January 14, 1972
LOCATION: Bethlehem, South Dakota

10:00 AM
We got up at 8:30 when Wheezie got the four of us up for breakfast -- we had breakfast at nine. Matt and I carried a couple of typewriters to the Shrine's office for Dorothy (Matt slipped in the snow once, and his gloveless hands almost froze). It's 20° below zero outside. Matt & me went to the retreat house to take showers but found there was no water. I checked with Gil and he said we'd have it pretty soon -- Brad went up to pump some water.

I then went to the stereo cabin -- Phil followed shortly thereafter. It's cold in here, probably about 40° or worse (I can see my breath). I soon found out that there was an icicle on the water faucet and the toilet was frozen. Phil quickly went out to notify the authorities, and Matt came in. He found out the stereo was frozen and decided to move it to some place warmer. In the entry on the last page made in red ink you may have noticed: the ink's frozen. Anyway, Phil put the heater in the bathroom, and Wheezie came in to take the cover off the pipes in the "den" and put a heater next to them. By the way -- the pump's broken. We aren't going to have any water (warm or otherwise) until it gets fixed.

12:00 AM
Worked on the retreat house for a few hours -- till 5:00. Then I took a shower. Some visitors are coming for a meeting or something. I didn't get involved. Matt and I decided to leave as soon as possible.

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