Friday, January 25, 2013

Jan 25 - Mom noticed the dent

Tuesday, January 25, 1972
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

(10:30 PM 1/26/72)
Didn't do much at all -- just began organizing the trash in my room. Mom noticed the dent in the side of the car, so I casually mentioned yesterday's incident. So while Mom & Dad were out taking a test for an FAA license [Federal Aviation Administration -- Dad began training for a private pilot license], or something, I called Pam Grau and gave her our name & phone number. It won't be a big deal -- the damage was very minor. Next time I should be more spectacular. (chuckle, ha ha -- groan)

Well -- ya win some,
ya lose some,
and some get rained out...

but ya still suit up

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