Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jan 12 - Working for food and shelter

Wednesday, January 12, 1972
LOCATION: Bethlehem, South Dakota

6:00 PM
Went to sleep last night about 2:00 A.M. Finished drawing "Nexus Shift" while Matt made a tape of some good songs (There's a Hole in the Future, Caravan, Greensleeves, Scarborough Fair, etc.), and fell asleep listening to it. Tom came in at 9:30 to get us awake -- then he got us working. It snowed last night and snowed this morning.

We went with Tom to maintain the rest areas (2) on the highway -- they get $150 a month for that. Matt & I shoveled snow and emptied trash. When we drove back, Tom put on one of the chains with great difficulty and expension of energy, but we eventually made it -- he was driving 40 mph! Gad! I'll never try that on these roads in this weather.

We barely had time to recuperate before he enlisted our aid cutting and staining wood strips for the retreat house -- he wants us to work for our food and shelter, which is a reasonable attitude I suppose. Had lunch at 1:00, got back to work, finished at about 2:30, and I went to the Bunk Cabin to finish reading, and just about took a nap, but Matt got me before too long, and I called Tiffany's -- our glasses are ready. We got $40 from Gil and then we found out our car wouldn't start. We stuck a recharger to it with the help of Wheezie, carried some typewriters to the house from the Shrine for Dorothy -- ate some food, and went to the stereo cabin to loaf a while. We'll go into town tomorrow with Wheezie to get our glasses.

Gadzooks! It's 5° out there!

Father Gilbert got a letter from KIIS in California sending fifteen dollars for 1,100 "I LOVE YOU" cards. Must be a sales gimmick, or publicity.

[These "I Love You" cards were produced in Shrine of the Nativity's on-site print shop and they were a major source of donations. This Benedictine monastery was also supported by tourists who came to see the famous cave. The property was called Crystal Cave until February 1957, when Father Gilbert Stack, OSB, was assigned operations by the Conception Abbey, Order of St. Benedict of the Roman Catholic Church. He renamed it Bethlehem Cave and began generating income with it. This property was sold and the cave was closed in 2004. For more about the history of  the cave, see July 18]

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity,
we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then,
for a second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire.

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