Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jan 19 - Last day before Dad comes

Wednesday, January 19, 1972
LOCATION: Bethlehem, South Dakota

10:30 AM
I just got up, after Brad and Keith came in. Matt's still in bed (in the Abbott's cabin: bunk house). It snowed last night -- all the trees look flocked. At 6:30 last night the sky was clear, the stars were out, and the moon was visible -- at 8:00 it was snowing. At nine o'clock the sky was clear, the stars were out, and the moon was gone. Now the sky's overcast. Oh well, this is supposed to be our last day here. Dad's coming tomorrow at 11:00 A.M.

"Have you ever seen wethurr like this before?"
"I'd say that's the worst spell of weather we've ever seen."

7:00 PM
Just finished dinner. I haven't done much today. I finished Zelazny's "Moment of the Storm," read Kuttner's "Absolom," skimmed through "Have Time & Be Free" to get some words and theories about time, and I invented a few more temporal laws.

Yesterday I wrote a letter to Grandma Dot and mailed it. The sky is clear now, but a few hours ago it was overcast. Matt went out with his camera and took a picture. Phil got back today. I recharged the car's battery last night, so the car should work all right tomorrow. Matt slept until 12:30 -- the only time I can remember that I woke up before him. I had to go wake him up for lunch.

I wonder how I can fill up the rest of this page -- so far, I've been pretty good about that but I can't think about anything else to write. Perhaps a famous quote would be appropoeaux (let me try that again) perhaps a famous quote might be apropos.


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