Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct 21 - Working on Tempus Fugitives

Saturday, October 21, 1972 - Page 295
LOCATION: Newport Beach

(3:56:15 AM 10/22/1972)
Got up around 11:00. It was a clear unwet day, but too cool to tan in. I went out for the mail, Sunday paper, milk & bread and vegetables, reading Ray's book (nearly thru -- now on page 193), and did more on T.F. Went to sleep about 12:30 or one and got up again about 5:30. Worked on T.F., then watched T.V. till 12:15. Quit watching T.V. (did dishes around 10:30) and continued work on T.F. It just became 4:00:00 and I don't know what I'll do right now, but for starters I'll quit writing ---

TOMORROW: John Fowles' "The Magus"

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