Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mar 28 - Queries for art & writing projects

Tuesday, March 28, 1972 - Page 88
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

9:00:53 PM
Repeat of yesterday's routine. Got to sleep at about 9:30 A.M. -- It was another bright sunny day but still too cool. Got up at 4:30 and started typing letters, return letters, and notes to seven magazines for free sample copies (Cavalcade; Mount to the Stars!; Organ Magazine; The California Pelican; Boy's Life; Jack and Jill; and Read Magazine).

Some of them I've queried for work illustrating my own manuscripts, others I've enclosed examples of my artwork so they know I'm up to professional standards, and for Organ Mag, and Mount to the Stars! I included my Experifragments (FOUND, THE QUESTION, UNDERSTANDING, EGO, HUMOR, ( Y )OURSELVES, THE LOSER, GOING..., GOING..., ...GONE, and the poem by, I think, Roberta Magnusson from the Flotsam & Jetsam of a couple years ago: ERASED IN TIME). I'll get the letters mailed out tomorrow and see what develops -- nothing pro'ly, but at least I'll get seven free samples to ponder on. Today for dinner we had Cauliflower, Asparagus, Carrots, and various assorted leaves -- she [mom] is on a vegetarian diet for a while. It wasn't bad. Fool Moon tomorrow. 'Tis now 9:14:17, 64° now. Fini.

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