Friday, March 22, 2013

Mar 22 - Beard, mustache, side burns

Wednesday, March 22, 1972 - Page 82
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

11:00 PM
The Ides of March are upon us. [This is an odd statement. The "Ides of March" really falls on March 15, and refers to an ancient Roman holiday, but is best known as the date of Julius Caesar's assassination in 44 BC] Be that as it may, I got up at noon-thirty (for the past week or so I've been getting to sleep at about 5:00 A.M. and waking in the early afternoon). I haven't shaved since last Thursday. Maybe I'll let my beard go on growing. My moustache is about three months old -- I pulled out an average moustacheo hair (ouch!) and measured it: 2.5 centimeters. My sideburns have been going since the terrible trio (me, mom, & dot) got back from Europe in late April last year -- so they've had 11 months. Ouch again: 4.5 centimeters, at least. Let's see how fast my beard grows, shall we? Reports on this topic will be forthcoming.

I did some work on "Tempus Fugitives" and "Morrison Epic," but that's about all I did. Mom said she went to the doctor today and she's gonna stop smoking. She has two cigarets left and she's not gonna have any more. Bravo, I guess. I gave her some gum. It's the choice between rotten lungs and rotten teeth -- the later seems preferable, but the absence of the former will cause rotten language. Soon.
[Update 2013: Mom is now 85 and still smoking. She probably won't be quitting any time soon]

Saw Harvey on T.V. tonight -- that's the one with Jimmy Stewart and the Pooka. Twas fairly good. It is now 11:10, 58 secs. Fineeeeeee

(Was sunny today but too cool to burn so I stayed in)

(Dad must of had the post office notified, cause we're not getting much mail here -- none yesterday, one package for mom today)

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