Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oct 10 - My first Ivanhoe Payday: $41.53

Tuesday, October 10, 1972 - Page 284
LOCATION: Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Anaheim

9:00 PM
Left for work at 7:00 and got there at 8:45. Mark was in today (as usual) and we tore apart three rooms in the upper story and went to work on them. Multi-varied tasks awaited me but they weren't difficult and I soon should be quite efficient at it. Kept busy all day.
This is my sister Laramée's handwriting
Got payed today and Mike & I drove to the bank to cash the check. I paid him $5 I owed, so now I have about -- oh, I dunno. But more money than I've had in awhile. Drove the car back from the gas station, all recharged. Quit at 5:45. Mike & I drove some guests to the Disneyland Hotel, returned and Mike & I rode on his Kawasaki 750 to Grandlydia [nickname for my trailer park home]. He likes to exercise the bike occasionally. I ate a lot of turkey when I got home at about 7:00 P.M. The only thing I'd eaten previously was an instant breakfast. I'm doing alright on one meal a day. One snack, rather.

TOMORROW: Missed the bus, took a cab home

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