Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jul 13 - Politics & the Democratic Convention**

Thursday, July 13, 1972 - Page 195
LOCATION: Bethlehem, South Dakota

Photo of Senator George McGovern
George McGovern, South Dakota Senator,
friend of Father Gilbert, and one of the directors
of Bethlehem's Shrine of the Nativity

(see my encounter with him in the July 17 entry)
The 1972 Democratic National Convention was held at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida, on July 10-13, 1972. It nominated Senator George McGovern of South Dakota for President and Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri for Vice President.
Photo of Thomas Eagleton
Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri
Eagleton later withdrew from the race when it was disclosed that he had undergone mental health treatment, including electroshock therapy, and he was replaced on the ballot by Sargent Shriver of Maryland.

Photo of Sargent Shriver
Sargent Shriver, statesman & activist
7:30 PM
We got to work late today -- about 10:00 A.M. We usually get started at 8:00 A.M., and finish at 4:30. Today we quit at 3:00 (I finished at 4:30, however). I worked on finishing cement that Tim (the new kid), and Clint (but later Greg) put down. Mixing was Mike, and hauling was John & Greg (but later Clint). We got 40 more feet done today. I'm reading "I'm OK, You're OK" (am now about to read 2nd Chapter). Lyle showed up today at supper. It was another sunny day.

(9:00 AM 7/14/1972)
Quite a few people came today -- besides five nuns, M.R. (that's Mrs. Rogers), Gil, Me, Tom, Tom, Tim, Greg, Bruce, John, Clint, Pearce, Dorothy, & Mike, there were a few temporary people: Lyle, Joe, Alexandria, Julie, Julie, Megan (all together in the same car), and a group with kids and Father Murphy.

Bruce baby-sat for a two & a half-year old kid named Sean, whilst his mother was in the cave. Jim & I assisted for a while, then I started playing poker with Greg. I beat him, just barely, and we got thru at 12:45. The Demo Con is still going -- McGov has his V.P. picked. Greg continues to be anti-McGov even though everyone else in this place is pro (McGovern, incidentally, is one of the inter-denominational directors of this place).
Photo of Jim
Jim's hand
TOMORROW: Serious cave crawling

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